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Part 1: Is Your Teen Struggling with Time Management? Here’s How You Can Help!


It is easy for students to get overwhelmed and lost in a sea of homework and activities. Helping students to routinely differentiate between urgent tasks and important tasks is key. It is important to stress the importance of honing focus, and concentration on the task at hand. Students should not be trying to rush through tasks without fully applying themselves.


Scheduling tasks help students to get into a routine of focused study and become more effective and efficient overall. Scheduling also reveals problem time-consuming areas that need to be streamlined. Scheduling is a powerful tool for execution and reflection.
Daily and weekly schedules that allow for sufficient time for each task are highly recommended for students. Students will benefit from a successful timetable planning system that reduces multitasking and encourages concentration and productivity in their academics.

Avoiding Procrastination

Daunting or lengthy tasks can cause students to hesitate and delay starting and sticking to their work. Breaking tasks into smaller bits can make the overall process more pleasant and manageable. Firm deadlines keep students accountable and aware of the overall time frame. Procrastination can be avoided by not letting the small details of tasks cloud the overall picture.

Study Techniques

Techniques such as the Pomodoro Technique build concentration and singular focus in students by timing tasks and allowing for intermittent breaks. The goal is to be fully attentive to the work at hand. The Pomodoro Technique aims to increase overall productivity by encouraging full focus along with breaks to rejuvenate the mind.


Managing the pace of extracurriculars along with academics can take a toll on students. Students need to be selective in juggling activities and ensure they can devote the time and focus required in each area. It is important to stay realistic and grounded.

Sleep, Exercise, and Nutrition

In the race to get everything done, students can easily forego attention to sleep, exercise, and nutrition. Overall well-being contributes largely to consistency and productivity. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle takes extra effort but is well worth the effort. These habits will set the foundation for life at college moving forward.

Evaluation and Change

It is critical that students step back and evaluate how their routine is working for them and make amendments as needed. Successful time management builds focus, efficiency, and consistency. Students need an overall picture of how their time is being allotted and how their efforts can become more strategic and targeted. This training will prepare students to meet college deadlines readily!

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