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What are the Benefits of a Psychometric Career Assessment?

  • It offers an objective evaluation of a student’s abilities, interests and personality.
  • It can help with tailoring teaching approaches that meet their individual needs.
  • It assesses cognitive and intellectual aptitude.
  • It assesses comprehension, listening and expression.
  • It provides insight into their future career possibilities.
  • It provides a comprehensive report with the student’s strengths and developmental areas.
  • Who Needs a Psychometric Career Assessment?

  • Students who want to know what future courses or careers are best suited to their personality and interests
  • Students who are not sure which careers they are interested in
  • Students who are unsure of what they want to major in at university level
  • Students who are contemplating switching fields or pursuing a different career path
  • Students who want to know and identify their strengths and weaknesses
  • Who Needs a Psychometric Career Assessment?

  • This is a Speed and Power test.
  • This test is Globally Normed.
  • It has a good reliability score i.e. the test scores of students who take the test are similar even when they take it more than once and on different occasions.
  • It has a good validity score i.e. the test actually measures what it claims to measure.
  • Additionally, it has high predictive validity i.e. it is able to predict/estimate the careers that the students will excel in based on their current aptitudes and interests.
  • All the aptitude tests are timed and meant to be completed within the time limit. The rest of the tests are untimed.
  • The intelligence test is non-verbal i.e. the questions are based on certain figures and patterns.
  • Thus, the intelligence test is an unbiased and reliable measure of the student’s Intelligence Quotient (IQ).
  • Detailed Report


    $ 500
    • Detailed Report
    • Explaination session with expert
    • Next steps and detailed plan
    An aptitude test is a measure of your ability to learn or perform required tasks and succeed in the environment you’re in. The aptitude test measures aptitudes in the following areas:
  • Acuity Skills: It measures speed of perception, momentary retention and speed of response.
  • Mechanical Reasoning: It measures applied physics, principles of motion and tools. It’s needed for careers in engineering and technical courses.
  • Numerical Reasoning: It measures understanding of numerical relationships and concepts. It’s needed for careers in accounting, engineering and technical careers.
  • Analytical Reasoning: It measures reasoning ability from specific information to general principles. It’s the cornerstone of all careers.
  • Spatial Reasoning: It measures three-dimensional space perception. It’s needed for careers in engineering, designing and technical careers.
  • Verbal Reasoning: It measures understanding of complex verbal relationships. It’s needed for careers in mass media, journalism and foreign languages
  • These tests evaluate an individual’s interests and preferences for various activities, industries, or job roles.
  • They provide insights into what types of tasks or careers align with the individual’s passions and motivations.
  • They indicate level of interest in different fields like Design, Architecture, Biology & Allied Sciences, Medicine, Engineering, Information Technology, Pure Sciences, Social Sciences, Hospitality & Tourism, Media & Entertainment, Business & Administration and Finance.
  • Personality tests are designed to systematically elicit information about a person’s motivations, preferences, interests, emotional make-up, and style of interacting with people and situations.
  • It measures personality in different areas like Competitiveness, Social Persona, Creative Problem Solving, Adapting to Change, Self Esteem, Goal Readiness, Stress Adaptability, Leadership, Emotional Maturity and Expressiveness.
  • A skills profiler which profiles 15 different skill areas of students.
  • These skills can be matched to different careers and can help you explore occupations that require your skillset.
  • It measures skills like Interpersonal skills, Information Management skills, Planning & Organising skills, Precision skills, Performance skills, Oral Communication skills, Kinesthetic skills, Persuasion skills, Motor skills, Ideation skill, Language skills, Leadership skills, Investigative skills, Helping skills and Technical skills.
  • Customer Reviews

    "As a parent, I was anxious about my son's university application process. The psychometric test provided by your service was an eye-opener. It not only highlighted his strengths and weaknesses but also gave us a clear direction for his future. We were able to choose universities that align perfectly with his personality and career aspirations. I highly recommend this test to any parent looking to support their child's educational journey."
    Anna Perez, Parent
    "Taking the psychometric test was a game-changer for me. I was confused about what career path to follow and which universities to apply to. The results gave me a better understanding of my interests and skills. Now, I feel more confident in my choices and have a solid plan for my applications. This test is a must for any student planning their future."
    Maliq, High School Senior
    "We were overwhelmed by the university application process, but the psychometric test simplified everything. It provided valuable insights into my daughter's abilities and preferences, making it easier to shortlist suitable universities. The detailed report also helped us craft a more compelling application. This test is an invaluable tool for any student and their family."
    John and Lisa Martinez, Parents