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The Creative Programmer: The Intersection of Game Design and Computer Science

Are you an avid gamer envisioning a career in Game Design? The gaming industry is growing rapidly but still particularly competitive for job seekers. In light of this, should you consider a major in Game/Simulation Development or Computer Science? Let’s explore!
A Game/Simulation Development Major will allow you to specialize further in the artistic, design, and narrative aspects of Game Design. A computer science major will give you a stronger foundation technologically along with increased career flexibility.

Advantages of a Major in Game/Simulation Development

  • Specializes in game mechanics, level design, storytelling, and visual design.
  • Strengthens portfolio through hands-on projects and assignments
  • Focuses on creative design, artistic and narrative techniques
  • Extensive game engine learning
  • Preparation for real-world team dynamics through team projects
  • Advantages of a Major in Computer Science

  • Comprehensive foundation in programming, algorithms, and software engineering that apply to a variety of technological roles
  • Strong foundation in languages such as Python, C++, and Java and software development practices relevant to game programming
  • Availability of jobs for skilled programmers
  • Graphics programming, AI, or systems architecture specialization for game development
  • Increased flexibility in career opportunities overall
  • A Game/ Simulation Development major will equip you with a specialized portfolio for the Gaming Industry. If you are certain you want a career in Game Design, this is likely to be your best strategy to get your foot in the door of this competitive industry. A computer science major will allow you to build a broad foundation that is relevant to a wide range of industries. If you are willing to put in extra effort to equip yourself for game design, a computer science degree could be ideal for you.