
Feeling the pressure of putting together the best college application? You KNOW it’s important to show admissions officers who you are, but how do you distill your essence into mere forms and essays?
Enter the Common App Activity List (i.e. your secret weapon).
The Common App Activity List isn’t just a catalog of your extracurricular activities for college—it’s your opportunity to showcase how you’ve grown and dedicated your time. As Jorge Delgado, Associate Director of International Admissions at Brandeis, explains, “Extracurricular activities can highlight how an applicant has self-directed their passions and interests.”
This often-overlooked section is your canvas to paint a vivid self-portrait (albeit in 150 characters per activity 😁) that captivates admissions officers. Done right, it can help you stand out in college applications and set you apart from the crowd.
In this blog, we’ll break down how to write a winning Common App Activities List, offer expert college application tips, and provide examples that will help you shine.

Breaking Down the Common App Activity List

How should you fill out the Common App Activities List to make the best impression? Each activity you include must be categorized in the following sections:
1. Activity Type (choose from a dropdown list of categories)

Tip: how can you balance your Common App activities between leadership, community service, and research? Make sure your list of activities are a balance of categories like leadership, community service, and research. Mix it up!

2. Position/Leadership Description (50 characters max)

Use this space to clearly state your position. Also include any detail about the nature of your position that is taking up too much space in the activity description. It’s important to be as specific as possible. If your position doesn’t have a formal title, create one or clearly state what you did. For example: “Independent Researcher,” “Founder of [XXX],” or “Creator of a podcast.”

3. Organization name (100 characters max)

if it’s a school activity, add the school name here. If it’s for an organization that’s not well known, give context. “Abu Dhabi Youth Climate Coalition (local environmental group)”

4. Activity description (150 characters max)

This is important! Focus on the impact you made. The best way to describe extracurricular activities for college applications is by telling a mini-story of what you did and what you achieved. You don’t need to write full sentences, write it like this instead: “Responsible for leading swim practices; planning fundraising events for 10+ kids, assisting in recruiting process.”

Remember quantifying is extremely important.

5. Participation grade levels: Select the grades you participated in the activity (9th–12th)
6. Timing of Participation, Choose when you were involved—”During School Year,” “During School Break,” or “All Year.”

Admissions officers are looking to see some activities that you have participated in for a longer period of time. They are also looking for sustained commitment or growth over time. Include at least a few activities that demonstrate this.

7. Hours spent per week: Enter the average number of hours you’ve dedicated per week.
8. Weeks spent per year: Enter a number in the text box.
9. I intend to participate in a similar activity in college: Check “Yes” or “No.”

Need Help Crafting Your Common App Activities List?

If you’re feeling overwhelmed with how to make your activities list stand out, we’re here to help. Book a free consultation with our admissions experts and get personalized advice to boost your college application.

Tips to Maximize Your Common App Activities List Impact

Getting Started: The Basics Matter 🧱

So, how do you write Common App activities that shine? Drop the idea that you need a million activities and pick the stuff that lights you up inside. Maybe it’s that coding club you started in your parents’ garage, or the hours you spent teaching kids to read at the library.
Highlight what lights you up inside, whether it’s the coding club you started or the hours you spent teaching kids to read at the library.
And remember: Think Like a Storyteller
Were you team captain? Did you turn a struggling club around? Lead with that, but keep it real, and keep it specific. Admissions officers can smell fluff from a mile away.

Be Selective and Strategic 🤔

  • Only the Big Stuff: Skip the one-off volunteer day unless it changed your life.
  • Group Similar Activities: Did a bunch of related stuff?  Bundle them. Like how your coding hobby turned into teaching tech to kids.
  • Group Similar Activities: Did a bunch of related stuff?  Bundle them. Like how your coding hobby turned into teaching tech to kids.
  • Order Matters 🔢

  • Fresh is Best: showcase recent wins up front.
  • Most Important Goes First: Start with your most impactful activities.
  • Easy on the Links: Got proof? Perfect, but save the links. That’s what “Additional Info” is for.
  • Writing a Winning Activity Description 🧐

  • Use Action Verbs: Kick things off with strong words like “Led,” “Organized,” or “Created.”
  • Show Your Impact: Numbers are your friend—admissions officers want to know what you’ve accomplished. Quantifying your success is one of the best tips for quantifying achievements in college applications. Maybe mention how many people you helped or how much money you raised. “Coached 20 kids,” “Raised $500,” “Grew team 40%.”
  • Brag a Little: Don’t be shy about your achievements or any awards you’ve earned.
  • Give Some Context: Explain what you did and why it matters.
  • Keep It Snappy 🫰

  • Be Concise: You’ve got limited characters, so make every word count.
  • Skip Full Sentences: Fragments are totally okay here!  
  • Avoid Repeats: Don’t repeat stuff that’s mentioned elsewhere in your application.
  • Double-Check Everything 🕵️

  • Proofread: You need to be HUNTING down typos. This can really make or break your application.
  • Stay Consistent: Keep your formatting the same throughout.
  • Professional Tone: Use appropriate language and avoid slang or casual phrases.
  • Resources and Tools 🪚

  • Review the Official Guide: Check out Common App’s tips for more insights.
  • AE Action Words Template:  Check out our a activity list resource sheet to pull action words for your Activity List
  • Get Feedback: Have a teacher, counselor, or mentor review your entries.
  • Example of a Stellar Activity Entry

    Position/Leadership Description: Founder & President
    Organization Name: Harmony High Robotics Club
    Activity Description: Started club for STEM buffs; led weekly 25 mbr meetups; scored $5,000 grant for robotics gear; coached team to state finals: stood 2nd out of 50 teams.
    In this example, the student:
    Admissions officers want to see how you’ve impacted the community around you. Here’s how to stand out in the Common App Activities List by writing descriptions that highlight your leadership, achievements, and quantifiable success:
  • Uses Energetic Verbs: “Started,”  “Led,” “Scored,” “Coached.”
  • Quantifies Their Achievements: Mentions member count, grant amount, and competition ranking.
  • Shows Off Accomplishments: Highlights a big win at the state finals.
  • Adds Personality: Shares their enthusiasm for STEM.
  • By keeping things real and highlighting what makes you, well, you, your Activity List will stand out from the crowd.

    Ready to Perfect Your Common App?

    Crafting the perfect Common App Activities List can be challenging, but you don’t have to do it alone! Our expert team is here to help you stand out and showcase your strengths to college admissions officers.
    Book a free consultation today to get personalized guidance on your application and ensure your activities list is as impressive as it can be.

    Common App Activities List FAQ

    What should I include in my Common App Activities List?
    Include extracurricular activities for college that highlight leadership, community involvement, and sustained passion. Focus on quality over quantity.
    How many activities should I list on the Common App?
    You can list up to 10 activities. However, it’s better to have fewer impactful entries than to fill all 10 slots with minor activities.
    What are the best ways to describe extracurricular activities for college?
    Use action verbs, focus on your impact, and quantify your achievements. Make sure each entry tells a story of growth and leadership.
    How do I write a winning Common App Activities List?
    Be strategic, selective, and concise. Start with your most impactful activities and use numbers to showcase your achievements.
    What are some tips for quantifying achievements in college applications?
    Whenever possible, use numbers to demonstrate the scale of your success. Admissions officers are impressed by measurable outcomes, like money raised or people helped.
    Admissions officers want to see how you’ve impacted the community around you. Here’s how to stand out in the Common App Activities List by writing descriptions that highlight your leadership, achievements, and quantifiable success: