- Written By AddedEducation
- Jul 23, 2021
Called to Serve

Tennis has been a part of my life since even before I was born! My mother always had a passion for the sport and back in the days when televisions barely existed, she spent hours reading about how Martina Navratilova, Steffi Graff and Boris Becker were playing. Born and raised in a household where sports was given no importance over academics, my mother knew getting me into Tennis could be a challenge, but she never gave up! I began playing tennis when I was 8— with short hair, chubby face, and my sister’s racquet in hand.. that was how my journey with tennis began. I still recall leaving my house at 7am everyday and coming home with bags filled with sweaty clothes at 8 in the evening; but despite the long hours, tennis never seemed to tire me. I loved getting on the court and doing what I was good at! All those hours of training were paying off in my performance and when I got a chance to play for a D1 school in the U.S, my happiness knew no bounds!
The 4 years of college tennis were the best years of my life, and I knew it would always stay with me in one way or another. Starting from the 6 am workouts to traveling for weeks with the team, I lived it all! What’s surprising is that you don’t realize when and how you meet your teammates for the first time, but somehow they simply just end up becoming a part of your family away from home. Being able to manage tennis along with academics was a challenge, but I had been fortunate enough to get support from my professors, with both academic and athletic advisors also motivating me. College tennis taught me not only to become independent, but also to push my limits both on and off the court.
You may call it destiny but when I got the opportunity to work with AddedEducation (formerly AddedSport), I knew it was a sign— because now I could help student athletes live and experience their own 4 wonderful years of college while playing their favorite sport! Every morning as I log onto my laptop, I sit ready and prepared to give these students my all and this has become what I look forward to on my weekdays.

Collegiate sports in the U.S. provide athletes the opportunity to succeed in both academics and sports; I utilize my own college experience and inculcated it into academics and relationship building, where I can now support and guide athletes into finding their calibre! I cannot wait to see my clients’ beautiful individual journey come to fruition!
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